Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Battle of the 2-Day Bands 2013

Fallout Creative Community presents the 8th annual Battle of the 2-Day Bands on Sunday April 28 at 1:30pm at the Red Rooster Coffee House.
On Friday up 48 musicians will be put their names in a drawing and form into bands of four members.  These bands will rehearse until Sunday when they will perform for judges and fans.

On friday the new bands will 
-choose a name for their band, 
-write a song title to swap with other bands
-words will be randomly drawn that must be creatively incorporated into the band's music.  
-(New this year) each band will be given a series of pictures that they will use to write a song.  The pictures will be projected to a screen during their performance.

Dan Cleberg, event coordinator/director of Fallout Creative Community said,
"Musicians with with diverse abilities from beginners to veteran professionals put their heads and talents together to create an unique live musical experience.
This event is as much about forming relationships as it is about creating great music.  It's about challenging ourselves creatively and building community."

*On friday all participants will be
registered by 6:20pm
*They will receive a B2DB Button/All Access Pass, a Rules sheet and a pen.
*After reading the rules and a time of Q&A there will be a drawing of three words. These three words will be creatively incorporated into each bands' performance. If the word is "hat" for example you may include the word in a lyric, during in between song banter, band members may wear hats or any another creative angle.
*We will then draw names. The person whose name is drawn first will come on stage. We will (1) draw his bandmates (2) pick an item out of a box. This item will be used to inspire a band name and to be used as a prop and/or stage decor for your performance. (3) Acquire a CD. Each CD has cover songs on it. Bands will perform one song (or more than one in a medley) as one of the three in their set. (4) Acquire a set of pictures.  These pictures will be projected during your performance and can be used to inspire your musical creation.
* Bands will gather to (1) Name their band (2) come up with a song title to give to another band (3) fill out judge’s forms.
*We will then read "Battle Strategies", answer any final questions and when all judges score sheets are turned in the creative process begins.

The competition:
*All bands must be at the Red Rooster by 1:00pm on Sunday to qualify for the competition. When the clock on my cell phone turns to 1:01 it is too late.
*The Red Rooster will be open at Noon and registration will start at this time.
You must have the following to qualify:
1. All of your band members. No bands with dropouts or substitutions will be eligible for the contest. If one of your band members doesn't make it in by 1:00pm it blows it for the whole band, so make this a priority! Disqualified bands may still perform but will not be eligible for the contest. They will play their set while the judges deliberate.
2. All instruments and necessary gear to perform. Registration will include writing down any and all PA needs. Make sure you list everything you need because the clock will not stop ticking for extra setup time. You may not go and get gear after 1:00pm. Remember everything!!
3. Fill out Emcee info card: Band name, item drawn, members names, song title given to them. random info.
4. All band members must be wearing a B2DB Button/all access pass (others will be available for $1 if you lost yours)
*You can't leave the Red Rooster until your band has played. You could be stuck here for awhile so bring a snack or order nachos. You can't practice anymore after 1:00pm (no fair locking yourselves in the bathroom for a last minute run through)
*Drawing for the order of the bands will be at 1:15. This will give the first band time to get their gear to the WEST side of the stage. At 1:30pm the cymbal will chime and the battle begins. *The first band (UP) will take the stage, set up, perform... in meantime the second band (ON DECK) will bring it's gear to the WEST side of the stage to prepare to take the stage when the previous band is done. The third band up (IN THE HOLE) will be ready to move to the west side of the stage when the second band takes the stage.
When the a band finishes their set they move their gear off of the stage to the EAST and the next band moves their gear onto the stage from the WEST.
*After your band has performed you may load up your stuff into your car or if you have to you may leave for a while.
*There will be back line gear available for you to save on set up and tear down time.
Guitar Amps, Bass Amp, Drums, Up to 6 mics, 2 Direct Imput (D.I.) Boxes, and adapters for headphone size outputs (for computers etc.).
*If you need more than this you will be responsible to bring it. Bring your instruments, cymbals and snare if you choose.
*Sets are 25 minutes including set up and tear down.
In this time attempt to:
1. Perform 2 original songs.
2. Perform the cover song (or medley) you chose.
The songs can be in any order you chose.
2. Creatively incorporate the randomly drawn words into the set, use the Song Title given to you by another band and work the slide show of pictures into your set.
3. Stay within your time limit. You will be severely docked for going over your 25 minute time slot.
The judges are:
Mark Comstock
Joel Mann
Bryce Job
Ron Parker

Judging will be based on the 3 Cs:
Song structure, Lyrics, Performance, Appearance, Use of words/item
Showmanship, Stage presence, Energy, Fun, Overall attitude on and off stage
Mesh together: tight sound and performance/comraderie. Inclusion of all band members. Connect with Audience: crowd interaction/response
*The audience will vote for the People Choice Award.
*The prize is a handsome trophy for your team.  There are no cash prizes.  Bands may have opportunities to perform at future events.

Battle Strategies:
This is your band. Get to know each other. Synchronize your watches, get each other's cell numbers, compare your weekend schedules, set up practice times. Who will play what instruments? Who's good at building a song? Who's good at writing lyrics? Should we all pitch in on lyrics? etc. Try to mesh, that's the goal. Try to incorporate each others abilities, musical styles and influences. Include everybody the best you can.

Remember this contest is for fun. In the process there probably will be at least a little bumping of creative heads but try your best to compromise, take things in stride and not take the whole process too seriously. You want to be best pals at the end of the process. And remember if you make too much friction and somebody bails from your band you are disqualified from the competition. Please have fun!

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